Digital Charity Token Collector

Our In the Community scheme is currently online!


This initiative enables our members to decide how £500 is divided between two worthy local charities each quarter.


Simply click on the vote button on your preferred charity below:

  • Arthritis Support Leicestershire
    24% 24% 26/ 107
  • Leicester Children’s Holidays
    75% 75% 81/ 107


Arthritis Support Leicestershire

Arthritis Support Leicestershire provides support and activities for individuals of all ages and ethnicities who suffer from musculoskeletal conditions. Their Health and Wellbeing Programme includes physical activities such as adapted yoga, gentle exercise classes, and hydrotherapy. As the majority of members are elderly and suffering from loneliness and isolation as well as pain, the group also organises social events like workshops and coffee mornings. The importance of this programme is to not only help individuals manage their pain levels but also meet new people and form new friendships. Any funding raised for this programme will help to cover tutors fees, venues, and more.


Leicester Children’s Holidays

Since 1898 Leicester Children’s Holidays have supported thousands of disadvantaged children across Leicestershire and Rutland, providing them with experiences and opportunities that bring joy. Their five key projects look at providing short breaks and day trips for children of all ages, financially supporting families struggling to meet the cost of school trips, using creative therapies to support the mental health of young people, gifting essential items that children need and providing access to out of school hobbies and sports all year round. All children are nominated by schools to ensure those most in need are helped by Leicester Children’s Holidays.


Voting will end 30th September 2024